The Local Swimming Committee (LSC) is a separate and independent corporation to whom USA Swimming has delegated certain governing and supervisory responsibilities within the geographic boundaries designated by USA Swimming. Each LSC shall have jurisdiction over the sport of swimming as delegated to it in the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations to conduct swimming programs consistent with the policies and procedures of USA Swimming and to sanction, approve, observe, oversee and conduct on behalf of USA Swimming competitive swimming events within the LSC boundaries. Each LSC is tasked to provide programming, service and support to its member athletes, teams, coaches and volunteers.


The Membership Demographics report is generated every year that provides the following information:
  • Year-Round Athlete Membership
  • Seasonal Athlete Membership
  • Flex Athlete Membership
  • Single Meet Open Water Athlete Membership
  • Year-Round Club Membership
  • Season Club Membership
  • Non-athlete Membership
The membership data is determined based on registrations starting September 1 of the current year through December 31 of the following year.
Membership Demographics Reports


As a part of USA Swimming’s ongoing efforts to provide leadership and skill-building resources that support and strengthen swim clubs and each of you as leaders, we are pleased to offer you a complimentary annual membership with BoardSource. This yearly membership normally would cost you $99/year. This membership is recommended for both the Head Coach and all Board of Director members.


If you are a member of your Local Swim Committee Board of Directors you also should strongly consider activating your free membership. If you’re not already familiar with BoardSource, it is widely recognized as the leading organization promoting exceptional nonprofit governance and board service. BoardSource membership is a year-round educational resource that helps to connect, engage, inform, guide, counsel, and support a community of thousands of nonprofit leaders from across the country. 


As a leader within USA Swimming, you are now an important part of BoardSource’s membership community, which will make it easy for you to access the latest news, resources, and best-practices in nonprofit board leadership, as well as practical experience and suggestions from other members of BoardSource’s membership community.  


BoardSource membership opportunities that might be of particular interest include:

  • access to BoardSource’s governance experts via its “Ask an Expert” e-mail Q & A service and semi-monthly “Ask the Governance Expert” webinars
  • reference materials on board leadership best practices, issues, and resources
  • free monthly webinars on important issues facing board leaders and chief executives 
  • monthly editions of The Spark!, an e-newsletter just for BoardSource members
  • member pricing on BoardSource’s in-person trainings, assessment tools, and books 
  • personalized support from a member relations liaison who can help you find and select relevant resources and tools 
  • other special benefits of membership


Want to activate your membership?