What is Swim-a-Thon?

Swim-a-Thon is a fun and easy way to raise money for your team. Athletes raise funds by swimming lengths of the pool and asking family, friends, neighbors, and local businesses to pledge their support. The money raised from a Swim-a-Thon benefits both the club and the USA Swimming Foundation!

Why should my team host a Swim-a-Thon?

Training equipment, pool time, team swag...what does your club need?? Swim-a-Thons engage all members of your team while raising money clubs can put towards whatever makes sense for them. Build team camaraderie and get creative while investing in the future of your club. Even better, revenue from Swim-a-Thons directly supports the Foundation's mission of Saving Lives, Building Champions, and Impacting Communities!

How do Swim-a-Thons help the USA Swimming Foundation?

Per the USA Swimming Foundation's trademark on "Swim-a-Thons", 5% of all funds raised get kicked back to the Foundation! The Foundation uses these funds to directly support the growth of the sport in underserved communities across the country. The more money a club raises, the more impact the Foundation can make.


Since 2012, teams have paid 5% of their Swim-a-Thon gross proceeds to the USA Swimming Foundation which meant that $3.6 million have been contributed to the USA Swimming Foundation from teams hosting Swim-a-Thons.

How does the USA Swimming Foundation help me?

Not only are Foundation staff members here to support you throughout the entirety of your event, we also provide incentives for your swimmers! With tiered prize offerings at no additional cost to clubs, your swimmers will be even more motivated to fundraise!


The Swim-a-Thon Dashboard is available via USA Swimming accounts! This Dashboard will provide a more seamless process for clubs to enter contracts, submit results and claim prizes for their fundraising efforts. The Dashboard can be accessed through your USA Swimming membership account. Payment options for the 5% contribution to the USA Swimming Foundation will continue to run through the Dashboard.

Before accessing the Swim-a-Thon Dashboard, an individual’s USA Swimming account must be registered as either a Club Admin or a Swim-a-Thon Admin with the club hosting the event. To register an account as a Swim-a-Thon Admin, the Club Admin must assign the individual as such under the club’s staff. Once the necessary individuals have been granted access, the following steps should be followed:

  1. Club Admin or Club Swim-a-Thon logs into their USA Swimming account;
  2. Click "Club" on the blue banner;
  3. Click "Swim-a-Thon" from the dropdown menu;
  4. Under "Contracts" click "Start a new Swim-a-Thon";
  5. Enter in the required information; and
  6. Press "Submit." Please note, you will not be able to edit your contract once you click submit.

Non-USAS registered clubs looking to register their event should start by emailing their club’s name, Swim-a-Thon contact name, and Swim-a-Thon contact member ID (if applicable) to swimathon@usaswimming.org. A response with further instructions will be received within 24 to 48 hours.

By registering your event with the USA Swimming Foundation, your swimmers and fundraisers become eligible to receive the current-year prize offerings and celebratory bag tags. The contribution of 5% of the total fundraised during the event goes right back to clubs around the country through the Foundation’s Community Impact Grant program. Registering your Swim-a-Thon also means the event is covered by USA Swimming Insurance if your team is a USA Swimming member-club.


Additionally, Swim-a-Thon is a registered trademark owned by the USA Swimming Foundation. USA Swimming and the USA Swimming Foundation have the right to pursue any team or club, regardless of USA Swimming membership status, that hosts an event without registering it with the Foundation.

How to Collect Donations

Clubs are encouraged to utilize third party peer to peer fundraising platforms (Go Fund Me, Classy, Give Butter, RunSignup, etc.). Not sure what these platforms can do, please reach out to swimathon@usaswimming.org for more information


SportsEngine: To ditch the paper and fundraise digitally, sign-up with the SportsEngine online fundraising platform. SportsEngine’s platform allows your swimmers to accept donations with just the click of a button! Please note that clubs who register with the SportsEngine platform must still register via the Swim-a-Thon form and USA Swimming. 

Swim-a-Thon Resources


Previously these documents could be mailed to teams directly, they are now available for print anytime!

Finalizing Your Event

  1. Club Admin or Swim-a-Thon Admin logs into their USA Swimming account; 
  2. Click "Club" on the blue banner;
  3. Click "Swim-a-Thon" from the dropdown menu;
  4. Click "Results";
  5. Under "Results" click the edit icon on the right-hand side of your Swim-a-Thon;
  6. Enter required information
    • Please note your 5% donation is automatically calculated based on the total amount collected.
  7. Press continue;
  8. Upload all prize winners;
  9. Click "Submit." Please note, you will not be able to edit your results once you click submit.
  10. By clicking submit, you will be offered the opportunity to pay the 5% contribution in your USA Swimming shopping cart. You can complete the purchase via credit card here, or pay by check.
Add Prize Winners Under Results Tab
  1. Once you are under "Results" in your Swim-a-Thon dashboard;
  2. Click "Add Prize Winner";
  3. Enter required information;
  4. Click "Save";
  5. Repeat until all prize winners are uploaded;
  6. Click "Submit." Please note, you will not be able to edit your prize winners or results once you click submit.
  7. By clicking submit, you will be offered the opportunity to pay the 5% contribution in your USA Swimming shopping cart. You can complete the purchase via credit card here, or click pay by check.

Swim-a-Thon Contest

The USA Swimming Foundation is on YOUR team, and we are doing all we can to help you raise even more money through our annual Swim-a-Thon Contest!

Designed to create unparalleled excitement and new levels of athlete participation for your USA Swimming Foundation Swim-a-Thon Fundraising event, this contest will give your swimmers the ability to compete with other clubs and teams across the country for an amazing array of prizes and a chance to win the grand prize – a personal visit to your team by a National Team member!

2025 Swim-a-Thon Prizes

100 Lap Bag Tag


100-200 laps swum = 100 Lap Bag Tag

200 Lap Bag Tag


200+ laps swum = 200 Lap Bag Tag

Cooling Headband


$400-$599.99 = Cooling Headband

Foam Squirt Cannon


$600-$799.99 = Foam Squirt Cannon

Coloring Tote


$800-$1099.99 = Coloring Tote

200 Pieve Puzzle


$1100-$1399.99 = 200 Piece Puzzle

Barrel Travel Cooler


$1400+ = Barrel Travel Cooler

Please note that the prizes are not accumulative.  For more questions about prizes reach out to swimathon@usaswimming.org.