When making the decision to report a concern you have, it can often feel intimidating and overwhelming. Please use these guidelines to help you on the first step “Where do I report?” Please use the provided links which will additionally help you get in touch with the appropriate people.
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list. If you are not sure who to contact with a concern please contact Safe Sport Staff at the National Office and we will be sure to talk through your concern, answer your questions and connect you with the correct people.
You can also report issues dealing with:
Report your concern to U.S. Center for SafeSport using the following:
Call: 833-5US-SAFE (587-7233)
Report your concern to USA Swimming using the following links. Reports may be made anonymously and there is no cost/fee associated with filing a report.
Please make a report to your team. You can use the provided letter to assist you in beginning this process.