The 10 & Under Coaching Network was developed to provide connect and education for 10 & Under coaches throughout the country. This coaching community focuses on sharing ideas, sharing experiences, and finding new ways to build the base, help athletes develop a love of the sport, and make an impact on the character/life skills of the kids we work with.
Coaches working with the 11-14 age groupers are crucial, playing a pivotal role in shaping young athletes as swimmers and individuals. The 11-14 Coaching Network helps coaches increase connectivity, build a solid and supportive network, and provide continuing education for age group coaches.
The Senior Swimming Coaching Network is designed to help coaches increase connectivity, build a strong supportive network, and provide education opportunities for swim coaches working with the 13 and over athletes in their club’s senior program.
When asked, USA Swimming head coaches said they wished they had known more about the business side of youth sports before they assumed their leadership roles. To help, the Club Business Network was created to help introduce business and leadership concepts to members. Take advantage of these free webinars to help elevate your program and improve athlete performance.