USA Swimming News

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update - March 12, 2020


Dear USA Swimming Members,

Over the course of the last seven days, let alone the last 24 hours, the coronavirus (COVID-19) has prompted unprecedented changes within the world of sport.

Our leadership team has been meeting daily to discuss the most up-to-date information and the associated effects on our membership.

In prioritizing the health and wellness of all our members, as of March 12, USA Swimming has made the decision to suspend all our events, camps, conferences, or any occasion that requires individuals to travel and gather for the next 30 days.

We also strongly recommend that our Local Swimming Committees (LSC) and clubs suspend all USA Swimming sanctioned competitions across the country for the next 30 days.

Further information about the TYR Pro Swim Series at Mission Viejo, an officially approved FINA qualifying competition for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, will be shared within the next few days.

We continue to stress the importance of preventing the spread of infection and share the following information being circulated by healthcare officials:

  1. Avoid getting closer than six feet to anyone coughing or sneezing; 
  2. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer that has 60-95% alcohol. This is especially important after going to the bathroom, before eating, or after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing;
  3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth;
  4. Cover your mouth with a tissue or your elbow if you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash, and then wash your hands;
  5. Stay home if you are sick, and away from the pool and from fellow team members;
  6. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces regularly;
  7. Monitor the WHO and CDC websites for travel advisories and follow their recommendations.


Everyone is encouraged to seek further information using the CDC and the WHO websites:


Questions or personal concerns regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) should be directed to your local healthcare provider.

This remains a dynamic situation and we will update our decisions and recommendations on a regular basis.

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