USA Swimming News

Thursday, August 31, 2017

New USA Swimming Safe Sport Athlete Protection Training Launches


USA Swimming’s Safe Sport program introduces new Athlete Protection Training courses that will be available today for all non-athlete members. The courses will address the day-to-day efforts of cultivating a positive and healthy environment. The courses will serve to fulfill the membership’s APT requirement.

The course that will be offered include:

  •  Safe Sport: Ready, Set, Go!
  •  What Would You Do? Scenarios for Maintaining a Positive Culture
  •  Preventing Bullying

The courses will be the first of its kind on the new USA Swimming educational platform LEARN, which stands for Leadership Education and Resource Network. Starting in 2018, the platform will serve as a hub for all online courses and certifications, as well as other relevant content for all USA Swimming member personas. The Safe Sport Athlete Protection Training will mark the start of the flow of content that will be added.

Non-athlete members of USA Swimming must fulfill their APT requirement every two years.  LEARN features a point-based certification system, and members will earn 75 points to complete the requirement. Members will take the required course “Safe Sport: Ready, Set, Go!”, as well as one of two other courses. 

Access to LEARN is through a member portal at and

“USA Swimming is committed to providing high-quality educational experiences to members, regardless of their ability to travel to in-person trainings or workshops.  We’re thrilled to have Safe Sport be the first program to utilize the LEARN platform, and we’re looking forward to launching more courses on a variety of topics in the future,” said Maggie Vail, Safe Sport Education Specialist. “The mobile-friendly platform allows us to cater to on-the-go members by taking Safe Sport courses and other valuable classes whenever their busy schedules allow.”

Over the next year, USA Swimming will be rolling out new content continuously on LEARN and it will eventually be the host of all online educational content for coaches, parents, swimmers and non-athlete members. The newly formed platform includes a mobile-responsive design for the ability to access the educational materials on the pool deck or at home.

For more information about the LEARN platform, visit

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