USA Swimming News
USA Swimming Employee Assistance Program
by USA Swimming
During the COVID-19 pandemic coaches can now utilize the online/phone USA Swimming Employee Assistance Program (EAP) mental health services. The (EAP) is a confidential, pre-paid assessment and counseling service designed to provide you with assistance in managing everyday concerns. To help you understand how the EAP can help you to be at your best, we have addressed some of the most commonly asked questions about the program.
Who can use the EAP?
Services are available to you, your spouse, and depending on your program, others in your household as well as covered by your benefits plan.
What are some typical concerns for which people contact the EAP?
People use the EAP for a wide range of issues, including:
- Job or work stress
- Parenting issues
- Alcohol or drug dependencies
- Burnout
- Marital or relationship problems
- Anxiety or depression
- Anger management
- Coping with change
- Self-esteem issues
- Grief or bereavement
Is the program really confidential?
All EAP records and services are treated with the strictest confidence. The personal information that you share with your counselor is confidential, unless you sign a release of information or if the law requires disclosure.
When should I contact the EAP?
You should call the EAP any time you need help working out a personal problem. The philosophy of the EAP is that problems are most effectively handled before they become serious. The key is to get assistance as soon as a problem begins affecting your work or personal life.