USA Swimming News

Friday, July 16, 2021

Eight Days to Tokyo: Scenes from the U.S. Olympic Team Training Camp


Eight. More. Days.

The U.S. Olympic Swimming Team is officially on Tokyo soil, having already made a pit stop at the practice pool to get some training in. Before the team took off to Tokyo, they took part in a 17-day training camp in Hawaii. 

"This particular camp has been amazing, actually," Greg Meehan, head coach of the U.S. Women's Olympic Swimming Team said. "We're very grateful to use these facilities, and we are getting done what we need to get done from a training perspective, and we're getting done what we need to get done from a team building and team bonding perspective. You can feel the energy just continuing to grow."

"We have definitely had some restrictions and different climbs (due to the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing), but we're still able to come together as a team," Allison Schmitt, captain of the U.S. women's swimming team said of the training camp. "We wear masks walking around, we are tested a few times throughout this camp. . . but we are still able to cheer for each other and support each other during the training session, and then when we come back, we are able to play some games in the hallway."

The Olympic training camp is officially in the books. Books were read, games were played, training sessions were thrown down — now, it is all eyes on Tokyo.

Photos courtesy of Mike Lewis

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