USA Swimming News

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Victor Swim Club Joins Ranks of USA Swimming Safe Sport Recognized Clubs

Victor Swim Club

Victor Swim Club in New York has joined the growing list of USA Swimming clubs that have demonstrated a commitment to safety in swimming by completing the USA Swimming Safe Sport Club Recognition requirements. Their head coach, Michael Murray, outlines the club’s procedures and how they keep their athletes, coaches and parents on the same page in this month’s Safe Sport feature. 

1. What are three ways your team implements Safe Sport policies for your athletes, coaches and parents? 

We host a “Safe Sport Saturday,” where we engage our athletes and parents in team building and team culture; it reviews all Safe Sport policies and procedures as they relate to our team and community of families. Our athlete representative also conducts a Safe Sport review for our swimmers, with athlete-to-athlete discussions regarding adherence to Safe Sport policies, specifically regarding social media. Each year our team has a 15-minute session during our banquet to discuss the volunteer team position as the Safe Sport officer, while also reviewing all Safe Sport policies, updates and opportunities for learning. 

2. How effective do you feel these policies have been in shaping your team culture? 

I believe that our team culture has benefitted by having open and transparent conversations regarding Safe Sport, why it’s critically important for our growth, the protection of all coaches, athletes, parents, volunteers and anyone in our community. I also believe we derive a tremendous amount of pride in educating our athletes, coaches, parents and families to feel comfortable to speak up and be honest about their concerns. Safe Sport has been an important tool in helping to shape our membership experience. 

3. What advice would you give other clubs in implementing Safe Sport procedures into their team operations? 

The most important thing about creating an honest and open environment for your club community is to create time and space for discussions about how Safe Sport can help your team! It’s as significant as the development of swimmers. Clubs need to make a concerted effort to plan strategies that help onboard Safe Sport! The sport should be safe for everyone! 

For more on the USA Swimming Safe Sport Club Recognition program, visit

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