USA Swimming News

Friday, May 22, 2020

USA Swimming Announces 2020 Zone Select Camp Rosters

USA Swimming Announces 2020 Zone Select Camp Rosters

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Two-hundred and twenty-four up-and coming athletes from across the country were selected for the 2020 USA Swimming Zone Select Camps, which were slated to start this weekend at four locations nationwide. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these camps have pivoted to a virtual format to provide the athletes who’ve earned this distinction a unique learning experience. The sessions will be facilitated by James Leath, founder of Unleash the Athlete, and will include discussions on leadership, including navigating change, setting and adapting goals, mental resiliency and character development. Athletes will also attend a virtual panel discussion with current and former National Team athletes, including Kelsi Dahlia, Hannah Moore, Sean Ryan and Tom Luchsinger. 

USA Swimming is proud to recognize the athletes named to this year’s Zone Select Camps.

In each of the four Zones, 28 male and 28 female athletes have been selected. Selected girls must be age 12-13 at the time of performance and selected boys must be age 13-14 at the time of performance. 
Fourteen athletes of each gender were selected based on 2019 Long Course Meters (LCM) IMX point scores according to the following: Seven girls age 12 and seven boys age 13, and seven girls age 13 and seven boys age 14. 

The fastest swimmer in each Zone in each Long Course Meters (LCM) Olympic event (including the 800 and 1500 for both genders) is also invited for a total of 14 additional boys and 14 additional girls. If a swimmer was already selected based on IMX score, the next fastest swimmer is selected in that event. 

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